welcome to blog imma uci a little piece of heaven

poenya ngilLma vengeanc: Januari 2010

Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

seindah malam

lihatlah keatas
betapa besarnya karya sang pencipta
luas tak terbatas
bintang yang begitu indah selalu bersinar menerangi malam yang gelap
sehingga malam yang gelap berubah menjadi malam yang terang
dihiasi cahaya bintang dan rembulan
sungguh agung karyaMu
setiap kali aku melihat langit aku selalu berharap
hatiku yang kelabu ini akan mendapat setitik cahaya terang
yang seketika mengubah hatiku
menjadi damai dan bahagia
aku yakin walau bukan sekarang saatnya
Engkau telah merencanakan sesuatu untukku
suatu rencana indah
seindah bintang dan bulan yang bersinar menerangi malam

seulas senyum memperkaya mereka yang menerima tanpa mempermiskin mereka yang memberi. ia berlangsung cuma sekilas namun kenangan tentangnya terkadang membekas dihati.

my space

time to love

once upon a time there was an island where all the feeling lived. happiness, sadness, knowledge.
oneday it was announced to the feeling that the island would sink, so they all prepared boats and left. love was the only one who stayed. but when love was almost sinking she decided to ask help.
" help..help...!!! who can help me?? richness, can you take me with you?" say love.
"no, i can't there is a lot of gold in my boat." answer the richness. than, "sadness, let me go with you? say love. " oh love , i'm so sad that i prepare to go alone" answer sadness. than "happyness help me !!!" but happyness was so happy so he did no listen when love call him. when love was almost give up asking for help. suddenly there was a voice. " come, i will take you." than love go with he. the one who helped love is an elder love became very happy that she even forgot to ask the elder his name. when they arrived on dryland the elder went on his own. then love asked knowledge "his name is time" say knowledge. " time? but why did time help me?" say love. "because only time is capabel of understanding how great love is" say knowledge.



by enz.............